After a hiatus of over seven months, it’s business as usual for the Competition Commission of India (CCI). With the new CCI Chairperson Ravneet Kaur assuming charge last Tuesday, the CCI is now working in full swing and is taking up adjudicatory work on anti-trust matters.

Since October 25 last year, when the erstwhile CCI Chief Ashok Kumar Gupta demitted office, the competition watchdog has been without a regular full-time Chairman and therefore faced a lack of quorum issue, which impeded the Commission from taking decision on anti-trust matters.

“With the appointment of Ravneet Kaur as Chairperson, CCI has resumed discharging its full mandate. Matters are being scheduled for listing in the ordinary meetings and hearings will resume soon,” the CCI tweeted on Tuesday. 

Kaur is a 1988 batch Punjab cadre IAS officer and brings with her over three decades of experience in various posts in Central and State governments. She has been appointed as CCI Chief for five years.

Her appointment is significant as it has ensured quorum for CCI and would help the competition watchdog to take critical actions against big tech and those found to have indulged in anti-competitive conduct, said CCI observers. 

It is also significant as several decisions and actions (like cement cartel matter) are pending before the CCI, which in the absence of full-time Chairperson faced a lack of quorum issues and could not adjudicate on anti-trust matters. 

About the CCI

Since its inception, the CCI has played a critical role in regulating and ensuring a competitive market in India.

The CCI has been instrumental in enforcing the Competition Act 2002 and has played a significant role in promoting a level playing field for businesses. 

The CCI also has the power to review and approve mergers and acquisitions that could potentially have an adverse effect on competition in the market.