The Employers’ Federation of India (EFI) has called for an urgent need to co-create a Charter on Employee Relations.

This can be done “through an eco-system comprising employers, employees, trade unions, Government and civil society to ensure a violence-free workplace,” said Mr Sharad Patil, Secretary General of EFI.

Condemning the tragic killing of a Manager in Maruti’s Manesar plant, a joint EFI statement with industry chambers pledged its solidarity “to do all that is in our power to ensure that such tragedies do not recur’’.

It said it was committed to working with the authorities concerned to ensure that the investigations are conducted quickly and in a fair manner, and the guilty are brought to book under the laws of the land.

“The progressive work culture in India's shop floors has been admired worldwide, and India’s reputation as an investment destination must be protected” said the statement, endorsed by the Confederation of Indian Industry, Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India, National Human Resource Development Network, All India Organisation of Employers,  Standing Conference of Public Enterprises and  National Institute of Personnel Management.