Chennai Customs urged exporters to resolve any errors so that their legitimate pending refunds can be processed within a fortnight. The major error is mainly due to mismatch in numbers provided in the invoice and GST returns, said a senior department official

Exporters can walk in with relevant documents or can also mail on (for sea Customs), (for air Customs) so that officers can resolve the errors on the spot for immediate credit of pending refunds, said M Ajit Kumar, Chief Commissioner of Customs, Chennai.

In the last 11 days of the special refund drive, out of the total ₹1,314 crore, an amount of ₹527 crore has been sanctioned by the department. Out of the remaining ₹787 crore, only ₹60 crore is pending with the Customs and the balance ₹727 crore is pending on account of non-transmission of data from the GST Network.

From the introduction of GST on July 1 2017 till June 10, 2018, an amount of ₹3,076 crore has been sanctioned out of the total ₹3,863 crore. This includes ₹727 crore yet to be sanctioned by the GSTN. In other words, 98 per cent performance in sanction of IGST refund claims has been achieved by Chennai Customs, he told newspersons.

CP Rao, Principal Chief Commissioner of GST and Central Excise, Tamil Nadu Puducherry Zone said a similar refund drive was conducted in March for wiping off the pendency and a total of 1,221 claims involving an amount of ₹670 crore were sanctioned.