The Government today said the country’s installed power generation capacity has more than doubled to 2,34,600 MW in the past 10 years.

“India’s power generation capacity 10 years ago (2004) was 1,12,700 MW, it has now risen to 2,34,600 MW,” Finance Minister P Chidambaram said in the >Interim Budget (2014-15) speech in Parliament today.

He said over 29,000 MW of power generation capacity has been added in the current financial year alone.

Last week, Power Secretary Pradeep Kumar Sinha said the Government is confident of adding 1,18,000 MW capacity by 2017.

The target includes the shortfall in addition from the previous Plan period, the Planning Commission’s current target of over 88,000 MW and nuclear and renewable power capacities.

He said the Ministry was unable to achieve the previous Plan period (2007-12) target of 78,577 MW due to fuel scarcity issues.