China looks to step up ties with India in 2012

PTI Updated - November 15, 2017 at 07:20 PM.

China has said that it will make concerted efforts with India to push for better and faster development of bilateral strategic and cooperative partnership in 2012 despite recurring hiccups casting a shadow over ties.

“China is willing to make joint efforts with India to continuously implement the important consensus reached between leaders of the two countries, maintain high-level exchanges, enhance strategic mutual trust, deepen mutually beneficial cooperation in various fields and properly handle issues concerning the bilateral relationship,” Assistant Foreign Minister, Mr Liu Zhenmin, said.

“China hopes that the two sides will support each other and learn from each other, so as to push for better and faster development of Sino-Indian strategic and cooperative partnership,” Mr Liu told state-run

Xinhua news agency.

The interview exclusively focussing on China-India ties was regarded significant by analysts here as it was rare for reticent Chinese officials to speak candidly evincing interest to give a positive push for the bilateral ties, which last year faced a string of challenges.

Visa issue, defence ties

The two countries signed off 2011 on a positive note sorting out their differences on a host of issues including the vexed staple visa issue for Kashmiris and resumed defence ties after China reversed the policy after a year-long hiatus.

A second Indian defence delegation is due on January 10 here after another visa row over China declining to grant visa to an IAF official from Arunachal Pradesh.

India reduced the delegation strength from 30 to 15 to show its displeasure over Chinese move. The two countries also agreed to hold 15th round of border talks later this month.

Published on January 8, 2012 09:57