The Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister, Mr N. Kiran Kumar Reddy, today said that priority was being given to education, health and social welfare sector apart from agriculture and irrigation in the State.

The Chief Minister inaugurated the C.R. Rao Advanced Institute of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Sciences and “Ramanujan Hall” in the University of Hyderabad (UoH) campus. Speaking on the occasion, Mr Reddy said that thrust was being given to education and prestigious institutions like BITS Pilani Branch, IIT, IIITs, Engineering and Science Institutes were established in the State.

An amount of Rs 3,500 crore was being spent for the fee-reimbursement for about 25 lakh students a year and this scheme will be continued. The Chief Minister said that 322 Jawahar Knowledge Centers were established in the State for planning and career development of students.

He advised scientists and teachers to guide the students in right direction to make them self-confident. He also hoped that we would be best in the world in the education sector.

Dr M.S.Gill, Union Minister of Statistics and Programme Implementation, expressed happiness over the Andhra Pradesh Government spending lot on education, health, and social welfare sector. He also opined that quality education and healthcare should be provided to the common man.

The UoH's got grants to the tune of Rs 15 crore for creating the new facilities during the last two years from the Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation.

Prof. C.R.Rao, Dr. Syed Hasnain, Dr.B.S.Rao and Dr.Yugandhar also spoke on this occasion.