The Central Bureau of Investigation has registered 14 regular cases and three preliminary enquiries in connection with alleged corruption in coal blocks allocation case, the Government today informed Parliament.

“A complaint was received by the Central Vigilance Commission on March 14, 2012 from a group of Members of Parliament alleging corruption in the allotment of coal blocks to private parties between 2006-09.

“Another complaint was received from some other MPS on September 9, 2012 alleging malpractices in the allocation of captive coal blocks during 1993-2004. Both these complaints have been referred by CVC to CBI for preliminary enquiry on April 13, 2012 and September 18, 2012, respectively.

“As per available information, CBI has registered 3 PE and 14 RC for enquiry/investigation. The investigation is monitored by the Supreme Court of India,” Minister of State in PMO V. Narayanasamy said in a written reply to the Lok Sabha today.

In an another reply, the Minister quoting an information provided by CBI, said: “65 cases (RCs and PEs) are pending under investigation/enquiries against 19 IAS, 1 IPS and 67 other allied central services personnel as on October 2013.”

“Besides the above, 180 cases are pending trial against 154 IAS, 15 IPS and 102 other allied central services personnel. 24 IAS, 7 IPS and 16 other allied central services personnel have been convicted during last three years in 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013,” he said.