The export of coir and coir products has reached an all-time high of 321,016.02 tonnes valued at Rs 807.07 crore for the year 2010-2011, registering an increase of 9 per cent in quantity and a marginal increase of 0.4 per cent in terms of value over the export achieved during 2009-2010.

During 2009-2010, the export of coir and coir products was to the tune of 294,508.05 tonnes valued at Rs 804.05crore.


The export during the year 2010-11 has surpassed the target of Rs 800crore fixed by the Union Ministry of Micro Small and Medium Enterprises. Even though the achievement in terms of value is marginal, it is quite significant considering the set back faced by the industry the previous year, mainly on account of scarcity of raw materials and manpower shortages, the Coir Board Chairman, Mr V. S. Vijayaraghavan, said.

During April 2010 to March 2011, export of coir fibre, coir rugs and carpet, curled coir and coir pith showed an increase both in terms of quantity and value, compared to the previous year. However, handloom mats, powerloom mat, tuffed mat, handloom matting, power loom matting, coir geo textile, coir rope and rubberised coir registered a decline both in terms of quantity and value, compared to the corresponding period the previous year. Coir yarn and coir other sorts indicated an increase in value terms, while in terms of quantity they recorded a declining trend.


The number of importing countries scales up to 111 from 108 last year. The US continues to be the major importer of coir and coir products in terms of value among a long list of 111 countries, with its share of 25.46 per cent and 15.82 per cent in quantity.

China became the major importer of coir fibre, accounting for 96 per cent of the total fibre exports from the country. EU countries such as Netherlands, UK, Germany, Italy, Spain, France, Belgium, Denmark, Portugal, Finland, Sweden, Irish Republic, Austria and Greece imported 29.97 per cent in terms of quantity and 35.74 per cent in terms of value from India.

The other countries, which imported substantial quantities of coir during the year are Canada, Australia, China, South Korea, Japan, Russia, and Brazil.