The All India Consumer Sentiments Index, measured by the BSE and CMIE, has hit a one-year low at 92.25 compared to 99.65 a year ago. This comes even as the wholesale price index based inflation jumped up to a 39-month high of 6.55 per cent.

The daily index, a joint initiative of the BSE, the Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE) and Survey Research Center, University of Michigan, measures consumer sentiment, expectations and the perceived economic scenario.

The index for all three parametres are at its lowest since it was launched last year.

In contrast, the CSO had pegged the GDP growth in gross value addition in the manufacturing sector at a robust 8.3 per cent for Q3 and 7.7 per cent for FY-17. The key stock market indices had also hit high levels in the past week. “There seems to be a disconnect between what is perceived and the reality on ground. While stock market sentiments are governed by macro factors, consumer index seems to be a factor of things like rise in price and cost of living,” said an economist working for a private sector company.

According to data on the BSE website, consumer sentiments is the lowest in Kerala at 56.99 and highest in Maharashtra at 111. 65.