The Common Service Centres (CSC) on Thursday said it plans to set up one-lakh LPG distribution centres across India, with focus on rural and semi-urban areas, by March 2022. So far it has opened around 21,000 LPG centres in all the States in tie up with three government oil marketing companies – BPCL, HPCL and IOC.

“We have reached a major landmark of 10,000 LPG distribution centres in tie up with BPCL. We are fast expanding our network of CSCs distributing LPG cylinders mainly in rural areas. We have around 6,000 LPG distribution centres operating in tie up with HPCL and over 5,000 with IOC,” Dinesh Tyagi, Managing Director, CSC said in a statement.

The top five States with maximum number of centres are Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar and Rajasthan, he said.

“Our focus is to reach the rural hinterland where people are still dependent on firewood and other non-green sources of fuel for cooking. The CSCs will help beneficiaries to provide the LPG cylinder at their doorsteps through our Digital Seva Portal. Today CSCs are helping in booking new LPG connections (Ujjwala and General category), booking of LPG refills (14.2 Kg cylinders) and supply and distribution of LPG cylinders (storage up to 100 Kgs,) through CSCs,” Tyagi added.