Gearing up to tackle possible chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) emergencies, research organisation DRDO is developing an array of ground-based and unmanned aerial systems to detect and map contamination zones in all geographical conditions.

The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) is developing systems and equipments that would map a contaminated area with zero human exposure.

“We are developing ground-based and unmanned aerial systems which can be deployed deep in the affected zones to map and record the level of contamination during CBRN emergencies,” DRDO’S Chief Controller, Life Sciences, Dr W. Selvamurthy, told PTI here.

DRDO has an ongoing programme till 2014 to develop technologies to deal with CBRN emergencies.

“Under the unmanned aerial system category, we are developing sensors which can be fitted on to Nishant and Rustom Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to monitor radiological activities.

“Micro Aerial Vehicles (MAVs) are also being developed for effective deployment in more critical areas,” he said.

DRDO has already demonstrated its technology for the Armed Forces and the necessary modifications are being carried out in line with the user’s requirement.

The vehicle- and building-mounted systems, BMP and track-based vehicles have already been given to the services to detect all forms of CBRN emergencies, Dr Selvamurthy added.

The Gwalior-based DRDO lab, the Defence Research and Development Establishment (DRDE), is the nodal body for the project — 12 other centres have also been roped in for the development of other important systems.

“The total cost of the project is Rs 285 crore in which, along with the technologies and contamination detection payloads, we are also developing other equipment such as sensors, clothing and safety measures for soldiers who will operate in these areas,” he said.