The Finance Ministry has imposed definitive anti-dumping duty on Hydrogen Peroxide (other than food grade and electronic grade having concentration of 90 per cent and above) imports from six countries.

The six countries are Bangladesh, Taiwan, South Korea, Indonesia, Pakistan and Thailand.

The petition seeking anti-dumping duty on Hydrogen Peroxide imports from these six countries was filed by National Peroxide and Hindustan Organic Chemicals Ltd. It was supported by Gujarat Alkalies.

The definitive anti-dumping duty, which will be valid for a period of five years, ranged from $16.91 per tonne to $117.94 per tonne, depending on the producer and exporter.

Hydrogen Peroxide is mainly used for pulp and paper bleaching. It also finds application in the manufacture of sodium perchlorate and sodium perborate, which are used as mild bleaches in laundry detergents.