Efforts are on to convince the West Bengal Chief Minister and Trinamool Congress chief, Ms Mamata Banerjee, to support FDI in multi-brand retail which is coming up for the consideration of the Union Cabinet this evening.

The Commerce and Industry Minister, Mr Anand Sharma, has spoken to Ms Mamata Banerjee and “if needed, would meet her again,” to remove her apprehensions on the issue, sources said.

Trinamool Congress is a key ally of the UPA Government.

Ms Mamata Banerjee, who is here since Tuesday night, had reportedly said that her party would oppose the proposal for allowing foreign direct investment (FDI) in multi-brand retail in the Cabinet.

“Sharma will explain to her how the FDI would be beneficial for small farmers and try to remove whatever inhibitions she has on the issue,” the sources said.

The Cabinet is scheduled to consider allowing 51 per cent FDI in multi-brand retail, a move which will pave the way for the opening of global retail stores like Walmart, Carrefour and Tesco in major Indian cities.

The FDI cap in single brand is also likely to be raised to 100 per cent.