Employees in India who use advanced digital skills, including cloud architecture or software development, contribute an estimated $507.9 billion to India’s annual gross domestic product (GDP), according to a report by Amazon Web Services (AWS).

This is attributed to the 92 per cent higher salaries that these workers earn, compared to those with a similar education who do not use digital skills at work.

The ‘Asia Pacific Digital Skills Study: The Economic Benefits of a Tech-Savvy Workforce’, commissioned by AWS noted that advanced digital workers in India are benefitting from more than just a boost in their income. 91 per cent of workers who use advanced digital skills express higher job satisfaction, compared to 74 per cent of workers with intermediate skills and 70 per cent of workers with basic digital skills, it said. 

Amit Mehta, Head of Training and Certification, AWS India Private Limited, said: “India has the opportunity to seize immense economic benefits from building a strong pipeline of cloud talent to support the country’s ongoing digital transformation. AWS is working with various organizations to help bridge the digital skills gap.”

AWS has trained more than four million people with basic, intermediate, and advanced cloud skills in India since 2017, and our work doesn’t stop here,” he added. 

Employers that rely heavily on advanced digitally-skilled workers, digital technology, and cloud technology reap higher business growth and innovation. The study found that 21 per cent of Indian organizations that run most of their business on the cloud report a doubling of annual revenue or more, compared to 9 per cent of those that use the cloud for some or none of their business. 

Cloud-based organizations are also 15 percentage points more likely to have introduced a new or improved product within the last two years. 

With many organisations now preparing for the challenges of a digital future, the study conducted by Gallup noted that 92 per cent of employers in India say at least one of these technologies — AI, edge, quantum computing, blockchain and cryptocurrency — is likely to become a standard part of their future business operations, with 5G ranking the highest at 78 per cent.