The office of Sub-Regional Employment Exchange here will be the first to offer online service in Jharkhand and Bihar to candidates registered with it.

The online service, to be launched in a couple of months, will do away with complaints by candidates that they were receiving late information about interviews, employments melas and recruitment camps which were sent by post, the Exchange Assistant-Director (employment and training) Shashi Bhusan Jha said today.

A software has been developed which will provide information about the date, time and place of interviews much in advance through SMS on mobile phones, he said.

New candidates registering with the exchange were being asked to provide their mobile numbers since last year, while those who registered earlier were being asked to provide it at the time of renewal, he said.

The economic slowdown has, however, led to the placement rate dropping by half.

While 2962 candidates received placement in 2011, the number declined to 1301 in 2012, he said.

As on December 2012, 33,797 candidates were registered with the exchange.

Jha said the employment exchange has therefore taken the intitiative to attract employers to pick suitable candidates registered with the exchange.

He said two special recruitments camp would be organised in the exchange next week for registered candidates seeking employment.