The improved situation in the US economy has resulted in a smart rise of over 21 per cent in the export of engineering goods to $5.4 billion in June.

"We are getting good number of orders from the US, so much so that our domestic manufacturing infrastructure is not able to support the same. Problems like power outages in several states and raw material shortages along with issues of skilled labour are also coming in the way,'' said Anupam Shah, Chairman of EEPC India, the apex body of engineering exporters.

If these problems are sorted out, he said exports could lead the GDP recovery this fiscal.

The WTO ruling on steel exports to the US was termed fair by the Chairman, as "our shipments face unnecessary levies and restrictions even as our products compete on merit without any state support.''

On the other hand, India allows steel imports without any restrictions as is evident from over 18 per cent increase in the import of iron and steel in June.