FICCI welcomes MNRE's move to provide extension for renewable energy projects

Our Bureau Updated - December 06, 2021 at 12:40 PM.

FICCI welcomed Ministry of New and Renewable Energy’s decision to grant a blanket extension to renewable energy projects through its order of April 17, on account of lockdown due to COVID-19.

This will be equivalent to the period of lockdown along with additional 30 days extension provided for normalization after lockdown ends.


FICCI had earlier represented the concerns of renewable energy developers to the Ministry requesting it to provide a blanket extension to renewable energy projects. The decision taken by MNRE will certainly help the renewable energy developers in this time of crisis and will ease them from the worry of submitting the necessary documents/evidence needed to claim the time extension for their projects under Force Majeure.

The Federation would like to welcome the positive steps taken earlier by MNRE to protect the renewable energy industry amid COVID-19 crisis.


The steps include providing clarification on timely payments to renewable energy generators by Discoms, reiterating the must run status of renewable energy which should be honored with no curtailment, reiterating that curtailment other than grid safety reason would amount to deemed generation, allowing invoices for developers to be raised digitally on emails, allowing unrestricted mobility for material movement to enable operations for renewable energy plants and extending the timeline for solar PV modules and solar PV cells by six months till September 30, 2020.

These timely and concrete steps taken by the Ministry will certainly help the renewable energy sector at these critical times, it said in a statement.

Published on April 18, 2020 09:51