The foundation stone of the Proposed Naitwar Mori Hydro Electric Project (NMHEP) was laid on Friday.

An official statement said the 60 MW project is located on the river Tons – a tributary of the Yamuna, in Uttarkashi district of Uttarakhand.

It will have two underground generating units of 30 MW each. The estimated project cost as at October 2016 is ₹. 648.33 crore with a debt equity ratio of 70:30. Levelised tariff is ₹6.39 per unit.

This run-of-the river project was allocated to SJVN Ltd by the Uttarakhand government.

“With environment clearance accorded in 2016, all statutory clearances for the project are in place. Major civil works were awarded in December 2017 and the project is scheduled to be completed by December, 2021, in a period of four years,” the statement added.