The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has suspended the licenses of 16 food business operators for not displaying  the calorie count of food items on their menus. 

The mandatory menu labelling norms for the hospitality industry came into effect on July 1.

As per officials, inspections were undertaken across nearly 500 food business operators holding Central and state licenses. About 71 licensees found non-compliant with the norms assured they will make the necessary changes and have sought time for compliance. However, 16 food business operators did not respond, and hence their licenses have been suspended, officials added. .

Menu labelling norms apply to restaurant and hotel players with central licenses . In addition, restaurant chains operating outlets in ten or more locations must comply with these norms. E-commerce aggregators selling food products of such restaurants are also required to declare menu labelling of the food items on their platforms. 

Besides mentioning calories, serving size and allergen information must also be mentioned.

The regulator has enforced menu labelling regulations to promote public health and enable consumers to make well-informed food choices.