Ad guru Prahlad Kakkar urged B-school students to get a feel of ‘aam aadmi’ before going into the ‘placement and packages’ mode.

“Take a break. Travel. See the country, steeped in endemic corruption, change. Winds of change are blowing,” he told IIM-Calcutta students on Thursday evening.

“Most of you would be in India. You need to learn to deal with corruption. But now there is a window of opportunity to root out corruption”, Kakkar, a supporter of the movement against corruption, said.

“The business of business is risk. Take a risk in the beginning when you nothing to lose and everything to gain”. He asked the young minds to get out of academic glass house and dive into the real world with passion to make a difference.

“If you still think 2+2 is 4 then you are mediocre; just following the book, enslaved by the system that is rotten,” Kakkar said.

“If you find out two and two makes 22 and believe in it, you will be special. The difference between 4 and 22 is your value creation.”

He felt the victory of Aam Aadmi Party is a victory of youth and youth leadership.

On Friday, Trinamool Congress Member of Parliament Derek O’Brien echoed a similar thought. “Movement and mandate” came hand in hand in recent times for some political entities — be it in West Bengal or in Delhi.

“But delivery is the key. Wait for while. Next mandate will decide the future,” he said.

He added that like last year, two IIM-C graduates would be chosen this year as interns for the Trinamool back-room team.

“Before the 2014 Lok Sabha elections it would an opportunity to participate in a change in the making,” the MP said.