The government is looking at a possible convergence of policies and programmes related to the pharmaceutical sector handled by different ministries and departments to address the concerns faced by pharmaceutical exporters.

Commerce and industry Minister Nirmala Sitharaman met senior officials from the Ministry of Health, departments of biotechnology and pharmaceuticals and from pharmaceuticals export body Pharmexcil to discuss domestic constrains and international barriers faced by exporters, an official release said.

Think-tank needed

The need for a ‘think-tank’ comprising senior pharmaceutical professionals, CEOs of pharma companies, government officials, scientists, researchers and pharmacists to identify bottle necks and ensure hassle free exports, was also discussed.

“Looking at the complexity of issues, need for convergence among policies and programme of different departments was felt. Since the scientific breakthroughs in chemistry, biology, microbiology, physics and biotechnology impact development of this sector directly or indirectly, it was considered important to have a platform where all these developments are shared between academia, industry and scientific community for the larger benefit of the society,” the release said.

The Minister directed senior officials to speed up the work on various proposals discussed and assured the industry assistance in every possible manner to help resolve their problems.