The government is trying to build awareness about protection of intellectual property rights (IPRs) and is also working closely with the music and film industry to check piracy, Commerce & Industry Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has said.

Speaking at a three-day national workshop on enforcement of intellectual property rights (IPR), Sitharaman said the Ministry is trying to ensure better enforcement of IPRs through such workshops.

“We are going to bring in certain level of credibility and build awareness among people who are IP holders and institutions which should know where they have to intervene, so that rule of law plays its role,” she said. The workshop has been organised by the Cell for IPR Promotion and Management (CIPAM), a professional body under the aegis of the Department of Intellectual Property and Promotion (DIPP).

‘Piracy unacceptable’

Commenting on the rising clamour for protection from the music and film industry, including the Telugu film industry, the Minister said that the Centre was ensuring that the call for protection of IPRs on music and film are fully attended to. Any kind of piracy is unacceptable, she stressed.

Sitharaman said that special courts were being set up for speedy resolution of disputes and the Ministry was also encouraging institutionalised arbitration processes to settle cases outside courts.

To boost creation and protection of intellectual property in the country, the World Intellectual Property Organisation, in collaboration with CIPAM, is setting up two Technology and Innovation Support Centres in Punjab and Tamil Nadu, Sitharaman said.