Prime Minister Manmohan Singh today said that it will be the “sincere effort” of the Government to pass a clutch of anti-corruption measures pending in Parliament ahead of the next Lok Sabha elections so that the fight against graft can move ahead.

He hoped that “an atmosphere is created so that these Bills are passed and our fight against corruption can move ahead. It will be our sincere effort’’.

According to the Prime Minister, five to six Bills dealing with corruption are pending in Parliament.

He was asked about the steps the Government is taking to get the anti-graft measures passed ahead of next general elections as stressed by Congress Vice-President Rahul Gandhi recently.

Women’s Reservation Bill

Manmohan told a press conference that the Women’s Reservation Bill, already passed by Rajya Sabha and pending in Lok Sabha, was also a legislation the Government was keen on passing.

“The Women’s Reservation Bill also happens to be one such area,” he said.

The Bills which create the ‘framework’ to tackle corruption include the Whistleblowers’ Protection Bill, Judicial Standards and Accountability Bill, a Bill on citizens’ charter, amendments to the Prevention of Corruption Act and the just-passed Lokpal Bill, which has received assent of the President.

At one time, senior UPA ministers had termed these Bills as a “bouquet” of measures to fight graft.

While the Judicial Standards and Accountability Bill deals with corruption in higher judiciary, the Bill on citizens’ charter provides for timely services to the common man and punishment for those who deny such services.

The Whistleblowers’ Bill protects those who expose corrupt practices.

The controversial yet historic Women’s Reservation Bill, ensuring 33 per cent reservation to women in Lok Sabha and state legislative assemblies, was passed in Rajya Sabha in March 2010 amid disruption of House proceedings.