While the services sector continues to generate the maximum employment in urban areas, Haryana and Gujarat have done well in providing jobs in industry, too, says a study by apex industry body, ASSOCHAM.

As many as 319 people per 1,000 were employed in industry in urban Haryana and 306 in Gujarat against the national average of 242, says the study, quoting Government data.

Against the national average of 683 urban people per 1,000 finding jobs in the services sector, 641 found jobs in Gujarat and 627 in Haryana as per the latest figures by National Sample Survey Office, it adds.

Over-dependence on services, mainly trade, hotels, restaurants, transport etc., is not considered the best option for a country which aspires for a growth combined with employment generation.

“The share of industry in the overall employment must grow so that more and more people can get jobs in the manufacturing sector,” said Rajkumar Dhoot, President, The Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM), said.

“Though the share of the industrial sector in the total employment is more than its contribution in the GDP, we need to increase its role in the overall economy,” said the ASSOCHAM Chief.

Official data shows that even States such as Jharkhand, rich in mineral resources, have not done well in terms of industrialisation, impacting job generation.

Industry provides jobs to only 160 per 1,000 people in Jharkhand whereas it is just about 121 in Bihar and 137 in Assam. States such as Rajasthan, with average employment of 186 (per 1,000) have also not done well in industrial progress. With tourism as the main source of jobs, the services sector in Rajasthan is still the biggest source of jobs, the study added.
