Civil society members backing social activist Mr Anna Hazare plan to intensify their crusade for a ‘strong law’ against corruption, including mass burning/tearing of the Government’s draft of the Lokpal Bill.

Peeved by reports that only the Government’s draft of the Lokpal Bill will be submitted to the Union Cabinet, Mr Arvind Kejriwal, member of the Joint Drafting Committee of the Lokpal Bill, has appealed for a sustained campaign to put pressure on the Government.

Mr Hazare has already threatened to go on fast from August 16 if both versions of the draft are not placed before this session of the House, which opens on August 1.

“It is more than evident that our Government and all the political parties are unwilling to enact a strong law against corruption….There is a serious conflict of interest…. Anna’s fast from August 16 is our last hope. We can’t afford to fail this time…”, Mr Kejriwal appealed to ‘All Indians’ through the umbrella organisation, India Against Corruption.

He urged people to join various protest activities. From August 1 to 9, small ‘padayatra’ teams will be formed across the country and from August 9 mass burning/tearing of Government’s Bill will mark the non-violent protest, he said.

From August 9-15, teams in villages, towns and mohallas will take out ‘prabhat pheris’ (morning rounds) singing patriotic songs and educating people about corruption and the Jan Lokpal Bill. In the evening, candle light and mashal marches will be held.

On Independence Day, IAC appealed to people to switch off lights from 8.00 p.m to 9.00 p.m “as a mark of support for the anti-corruption movement”.