Social activist Mr Anna Hazare on Tuesday called upon industrialists to help develop 100 model villages to create two leaders per village. While lashing out at “indiscriminate industrialisation” in the country, he said, “curbing corruption and creating ideal villages were key to building a strong nation”.

Drawing a parallel with Mahatma Gandhi, Mr Hazare, who restarted his blog, wrote, “Some industrialists had financially supported Mahatma Gandhi. To create model villages, we will also have to involve such industrialists, who are willing to serve the country and are of good character.”

Flaying the model of development being followed by successive Governments, Mr Hazare said, “Industries were set up indiscriminately to fulfill India's dream for development. In 65 years, this indiscriminate industrialisation should have led to development but did that really happen….”

He said exploitation of natural resources and human beings cannot lead to true development.

“Petrol, diesel, kerosene, coal, water etc – such natural resources which are found underground -- are being exploited indiscriminately for development. This is not the right kind of development,” he wrote.

“To achieve this, we are working for strong anti-corruption laws like the Jan Lokpal and the Janlokayukta Bills. … We also need electoral reforms, right to reject, decentralisation of power.”

Mr Hazare resumed his blog a fortnight after he fell out with journalist Mr Raju Parulekar, who was managing his earlier blog over some views posted restructuring of Team Anna.