The power distribution companies of Haryana, Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh have started showing an improvement after the adoption of the Ujwal Discom Assurance Yojna.

According to an official statement, the total commercial and technical losses in Haryana had narrowed to 25.9 per cent in financial year 2016-2017 from 29.8 per cent in fiscal 2015-2016. In Tamil Nadu losses had dropped to 14.53 per cent in fiscal 2016-2017 from 20.39 per cent in financial year 2015-2016. Rajasthan also cut its losses to 23.6 per cent (27.3 per cent), while Uttar Pradesh cut its losses to 30.21 per cent (33.84 per cent).

The power purchase cost in Haryana has reduced to ₹5.01 a unit in fiscal 2016-2017 from ₹5.05 a unit in fiscal 2015-2016. The Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam, one of Haryana’s two state DISCOMs, posted a profit of ₹78 crore in the first half of fiscal 2016-2017.

In Tamil Nadu, the gap between the Aggregate Rate of Realisation (ARR) and Aggregate Cost of Supply (ACS) has reduced to ₹ 0.36 per unit in fiscal 2016-2017 from ₹ 0.6 per unit in fiscal 2015-2016. An official statement said, Tamil Nadu DISCOM, TANGEDCO, is expected to break even during fiscal 2017-2018 after a gap of 15 years.

In Rajasthan, the gap between ARR and ACS has reduced to ₹ 0.5 per unit in fiscal 2016-2017 from ₹ 1.68 a unit in fiscal 2015-16. Uttar Pradesh too has reduced the gap between ARR and ACS to ₹0.66 a unit (₹ 0.88 a unit) in the period under review.

The statement also said the total debt of all state-owned DISCOMs as on September 30, 2015, was ₹ 3.95 lakh crore. The 26 states and 1 Union Territory in the UDAY scheme account for total outstanding debt of ₹ 3.82 lakh crore. So far, bonds of ₹ 2.32 lakh crore have been issued. Effectively, bonds of around 86 per cent of the debt of states under UDAY has been issued so far.