The Centre should ensure at least 50 per cent of every Ministry’s growth plans in its sector should be met through domestic industries, according to the All-India Manufacturers’ Organisation.

In an open letter to the Commerce Ministry, KE Raghunathan, National President, AIMO, the apex body of Indian Chamber of Industries, said targets need to be set under the Make in India scheme with local industries contributing to the growth and dumping of goods and services stopped.

Every Ministry has charted out growth plans but these need to be coordinated with the Commerce Ministry.

AIMO is concerned about the increasing trade deficit of $52.68 billion in 2014-15 with China.

To quote one example, AIMO points out that the Power Ministry has an ambitious target of 100 GW from capacity in solar energy by 2021-22 but this will only add to the trade deficit. Even last year nearly 70 per cent of the solar modules were imported from China. If this 100 GW becomes a reality in five years, at current rate of imports, over $ 42 billion modules will be imported and most of this from China and Customs duty-free.

No steps have been taken by Commerce Ministry to control this.

These solar modules will occupy 65,000 acres of roof area and 210,000 acres of ground area. Waste disposal will be a challenge in case these modules fail in a few years due to poor quality.

This is the impact of just one Ministry with just China alone. If we take into account all other Ministries with such growth plans in their projection – what will happen to this trade deficit, asked AIMO in the letter. The manufacturers’ organisation urged the Centre to consult trade bodies and manufacturers’ organisations and take action in this regard.