Following are the highlights of the Mid-Year Economic Analysis 2012-13 tabled in Parliament today:

* Economy expected to grow at 5.7-5.9% in 2012-13.

* GDP growth in H2 seen at 6% against 5.4% in first half.

* Slowdown seems to have bottomed out.

* Global economic climate continues to be fragile.

* Monetary and fiscal policies should be supportive to boost investor confidence.

* Recent fiscal consolidation plan has improved investors’ perception of economy.

* Fiscal deficit for this fiscal likely to be 5.3% of GDP.

* Inflation expected to moderate in Q4; March-end inflation seen at 6.8-7%.

* Moderation in inflation will facilitate softening of monetary policy stance by the RBI.

* Agriculture to better on good prospects of rabi crop.

* Services sector expected to post better growth.

* Both current account deficit and trade deficit likely to be lower than previous fiscal.

* Tight monetary policy and higher borrowing cost dented investment flow.

* Downside risks associated with global and domestic factors may impact direct tax collection.