A study on the composition and ownership pattern of deposits with scheduled commercial banks in the country by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) reveals that household sector continues to dominate the deposits ownership.

As of March 2013, they owned just a shade under 60 per cent of the ₹71,46,600 crore of deposits in banks in the country. The Government sector owned a little under 14 per cent, Non-financial corporate sector owned 12.4 per cent, while the financial sector owned 10 per cent and foreign sector owned 4 per cent.

Within households, individuals (including Hindu Undivided Families (HUF)), comprised the largest share ranging between 77 and 80 per cent. The domination of households was seen across all types of deposits. They hold 80 per cent of savings bank deposits, 50 per cent of term deposits and 40 per cent of current deposits.

Interestingly, the study said that deposits of farmers rose by 49 per cent during 2012-13 possibly on account of excess liquidity due to acceleration in the minimum support prices in various food and non-food products during this period.

The study also said that metropolitan branches dominated the deposit rising over the past few years with about 54-58 per cent of the deposits originating there. Urban branches accounted for deposits between 20 and 22 per cent while semi-urban branches contributed about 13-14 per cent and rural branches between 8 and 14 per cent.