Expressing disappointment over the hike in repo rate by the Reserve Bank of India, India Inc has said a rate cut by the central bank would have helped ameliorate sentiments as businesses are “reeling” under a tight liquidity crunch due to high cost of capital.

“High interest rate has been identified as a major barrier to boosting growth. The increase in repo rate has come as a surprise to us. While the industry is disappointed, reduction of interest rates charged and availability of credit remain a plea and we are confident RBI will keep this in their sights going forward,” FICCI President Naina Lal Kidwai said.

Repo rate hike

Maintaining its hawkish stance, RBI today unexpectedly raised the policy rate by 0.25 per cent as it kept its focus on controlling inflation, which it felt would be above the expected levels in the current fiscal.

“The increase in repo rate could have been avoided as the industry is already reeling under pressures of high cost of capital and low availability in a tight liquidity situation. Industry would have liked reduction in headline rates,” CII Director-General Chandrajit Banerjee said.

The repo rate or the short-term lending rate has been increased by 25 basis points to 7.5 per cent from 7.25 per cent with immediate effect.

“Contrary to expectations, the RBI has chosen to further tighten the monetary stance giving a clear signal that fighting inflation is its core priority. RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan has acted in a cautious manner, the financial markets were perhaps expecting too much from him,” Assocham President Rana Kapoor said.

Reduction in MSF

Rajan, in his maiden policy review, however, eased liquidity though a reduction in the marginal standing facility, at which banks borrow from the central bank, by 0.75 per cent to 9.5 per cent.

“The reduction in MSF by 75 bps is encouraging as this is working as the short-term interest rate,” Banerjee said.

Cash reserve ratio

Rajan kept the cash reserve ratio (CRR), the portion of deposits that banks are required to maintain with RBI in cash, unchanged at 4 per cent.

“RBI has admitted that industrial activity continues to remain sluggish and even consumption demand is now starting to weaken in the economy. In such a scenario, a positive signal by way of a cut in repo rate would have helped perk up sentiments,” Kidwai said.

Daily CRR needs

At the same time, RBI has reduced the minimum daily maintenance of CRR from 99 per cent of the requirement to 95 per cent effective September 21, a move aimed at inducing liquidity into the system.

“More worrisome is a liquidity crunch which is being witnessed and which may lead to further hardening of interest rates. State Bank of India has already done it and our worry is that more banks may follow suit,” Kapoor said.