India has to look at phasing out its agriculture export subsidies, Commerce Secretary Rita Teaotia has said.

The Commerce Secretary maintained that the country's position at the World Trade Organisation (WTO) has not changed and it would continue to press for special and differential treatment at the multilateral platform.

Teaotia was speaking at the annual general meeting of the International Chamber of Commerce on Tuesday.

India agreed to phase out its agriculture export subsidies (all subsidies including transport and marketing) by 2023, at the recent WTO's ministerial meeting in Nairobi.

It, however, did not agree to a demand from developed members such as the EU and the US that emerging economies like India, China and Brazil not be extended special and differential treatment so far given to all developing countries.

The Commerce Secretary said that the service sector was becoming increasingly important for developing countries and a service facilitation agreement should be the next agenda of work.

India will continue to engage with States on trade facilitation, she added. India agreed to implement the WTO's trade facilitation agreement at the Bali ministerial meet in December 2013, but is yet to notify it.