India on Saturday said it is willing to play a “supporting” role in any mulilateral effort to help Eurozone tide over its debt crisis after European leaders sealed a deal crucial to world economy to fix the lingering problem.

The Planning Commission Deputy Chairman, Mr Montek Singh Ahluwalia, welcomed the “important” deal clinched by European leaders at their summit early this week shoring up the 17-nation Eurozone’s bailout fund, pledging new funds for Greece and pushing banks to share the pain to combat the sovereign-debt crisis.

“We are willing to do our bit whatever supporting role which the international institutions would need to support the Eurozone...We would support mulilateral efforts,” Mr Ahluwalia said replying to questions by newsmen.

Mr Ahluwalia was briefing the media ahead of the sixth Summit of the Group of 20 industrialized and emerging market economies (G-20) to be attended by the Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh, and other world leaders including the US President, Mr Barack Obama and the British Premier, Mr David Cameron.

Mr Ahluwalia said the impact of any dramatic slowdown in growth of European economy if the debt crisis is not resolved will be no different from its fallout on any other country. He however said there will not be a huge impact because the country is not exclusively dependent on Europe.