The IEEE Standards Association (IEEE-SA), the standards development body of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, predicts India would emerge as the world's third largest smart grid market after the United States and China.

“We are collaborating with technical experts in India to ensure that specific and unique inputs necessary for the Indian market are incorporated into smart grid standards. We look forward to collaborating with industry leaders, academia and other standards bodies to create more awareness about smart grid and the role of standards through events and workshops,” Ms Jennie Steinhagen, Global Strategy Manager of IEEE-SA, SIG, said.

The IEEE-SA set up a Standards Interest Group (SIG) recently to increase India's participation in the IEEE standards process in key areas such as smart grid.

“Without proper standards, the realization of smart grid would be difficult. IEEE-SA is investing in creating awareness and bringing multiple stakeholders together to transfer best practices and knowledge from Smart Grid markets and perspectives,” Mr Srikanth Chandrasekaran, Chairperson of IEEE-SA India SIG, said. “IEEE-SA has taken a lead role in the identification and development of standards for the smart grid.”

The organisation had also been holding smart grid workshops. “We are also participating in large summits and events to increase awareness among key stakeholders and consumers,” Mr Chandrasekaran said.