India and the US should cooperate, share knowledge and skills that will benefit both the countries and bring in innovation and excellence, said Richard Verma, United States Ambassador to India.

Addressing students at the Indian Institute of Technology – Madras, on Indo-US relations, Verma saidstrategic cooperation between the two countries, especially in joint military exercises, was one of the reasons for the resurgence in ties between the two.

There has been a huge improvement on trade and investment relationships too, with two-way trade crossing $103 billion. Indian investments in the US too are on the rise, he said. The goal is to reach $500 billion, he added. The US and India have established a multimillion-dollar fund to support bringing in green power to the country.

Addressing the media at the Centre of Innovation, Research wing of IIT-M, he said education is a big pillar of collaboration where students and faculty from both the countries can participate in exchange programmes.

“Last year, there were about 103,000 students from India who studied in the US. The number of Americans who study here is growing,” he said and added that though the numbers are not big, there is a significant increase in interest to study in India.

“Our university and community college presidents are talking to their counterparts in India about expanding the reach of higher education and skills training efforts to future generations,” he said.