Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard said relations with India have grown leaps and bounds post her 2012 visit.

“Relationship with India has moved ahead leaps and bounds,” Gillard said through a video link while welcoming 30 young leaders attending the second Australia India Youth Dialogue conference here for this year.

She further added the visit to India has improved the relation between the two countries dramatically and had left a deep impression on her personally.

“Last year I launched my government’s blueprint of our engagement with Asia which has put India at the forefront of our plans and goals,” she added.

She said the conference that has brought 15 young leaders from India to meet and engage with other best and brightest young leaders of Australia, in both Melbourne and Sydney, would make a contribution toward the enhancement of the ties.

Australia India Youth Dialogue is said to be first of its kind initiative to deepen relations between the two sides and also expected further build on the momentum in relationship following the Gillard’s visit to the subcontinent last year.

AIYD has an independent steering committee and is supported by a wide range of entities including Australian State and Commonwealth governments, universities and the Australia-India Institute apart from the Lowy Institute which is an associate partner.

The ongoing conference which kicked off on January 30th in Melbourne has gathered young leaders to deliberate on a host of issues including sustainability, social innovation, international security, FDI and education.

The AIYD which is now being held in Sydney for its last two days was established in 2011 to create a new bond through young generation.