The Centre remained firm on its stand of not allowing Hurriyat leaders to participate in its talks with Pakistan. The Foreign secretaries of both countries are scheduled to meet next month.

“All the bilateral issues are to be addressed mutually between India and Pakistan and this was recently reiterated in a joint statement issued after the External Affairs Minister’s (Sushma Swaraj’s) meeting with the Pakistan Prime Minister and his Foreign Affairs Advisor in Islamabad on December 9,” External Affairs Ministry Spokesperson Vikas Swarup said on Thursday during a media briefing.

He said the date and venue of the meeting between both Foreign Secretaries, S Jaishankar and Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry of India and Pakistan respectively, are being worked out.

However, Pakistan has already stated that the meeting will be taking place here next month.

Previously, India had cancelled both the Foreign Secretary-level talks as well as a meeting between the National Security Advisors because Pakistan chose to engage Kashmiri separatist leaders, seeking their views on the dispute.

According to the December 9 joint statement, which was issued after Swaraj met with Pakistan PM Nawaz Sharif and his Foreign Advisor Sartaj Aziz, both sides agreed to a comprehensive bilateral dialogue.

This dialogue, which is seen as a refurbished version of the earlier one, includes all outstanding issues of Jammu and Kashmir, Siachen, Sir Creek, Wullar Barrage/Tulbul Navigation Project, economic and commercial cooperation, counter-terrorism, narcotics control, humanitarian issues, people to people exchanges, and religious tourism.