Women in India earn 19 per cent less than men: Survey Our BureauNew Delhi, March 7 Women in India earn 19 per cent less than their male counterparts and 60 per cent working women in India feel that discrimination at work, according to a Monster Salary Index survey.

The survey titled ‘Women of India Inc’, mentioned that the median gross hourly salary for men was Rs 242.49—earned Rs 46.19—more in comparison to women who earned Rs 196.3 in 2018.  Sector-wise, IT/ITES services show 26 per cent pay gap in favour of men, followed by manufacturing sector, where men earned 24 per cent more than women. 

In healthcare, caring services, and social work men earn 21 per cent more than women, while Banking and Insurance is the only industry where men earn just 2 per cent more.  “The narrowing of the gender pay gap by just one percent is not just a cause for concern, but a reminder to genuinely introspect if we are doing enough. It becomes pivotal to galvanize forces across corporates and industries to work towards gender pay parity,” said Abhijeet Mukherjee, CEO, Monster.com, APAC and Gulf. 

According to the survey, 60 per cent of the working women felt that they are discriminated at work. Around 47 per cent of women felt that the most notable form of discrimination is perception that women are less serious about work once they are married.  

About 46 per cent women feel that maternity leads to a perception that they will quit and the same percentage of women also believe that there is a notion that women can’t put the same number of hours as men. 

“The survey highlights another harsh reality; a dichotomy. On one hand, women feel inspired to do so much more, and on the other, feel so uninspired as a result of discrimination. The recruiters; HR fraternity and CEOs may need to change their perspective on hiring,” said Mukherjee.