India’s secret stimulus is a bad sign

Bloomberg Updated - April 25, 2019 at 03:36 PM.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has an election to fight. So naturally, his government is touting statistics that show 7 per cent GDP growth in the fiscal year that ended last month, despite scepticism from the International Monetary Fund among others.

As for jobs, the official version is that since there is such high growth in output, they must exist. They just are not getting counted properly, argued a touchy Modi government after it quashed the publication of an unfavourable employment survey by the statistics department.

If things are going so well, though, why is India’s central bank acting so jumpy?

Leave aside the two quarter-percentage-point rate cuts the new Reserve Bank of India Governor Shaktikanta Das has delivered since February. Those can be chalked up to an opening presented by slow inflation: With the RBI expecting consumer prices to rise 2.9 per cent to 3 per cent from a year earlier between April and September, the central banks benchmark overnight repurchase rate will likely be slashed further from its current 6 per cent level. (Never mind that anaemic food prices are themselves saying something about depressed demand.)

Also read:RBI receives $18.65-billion bid for second forex swap auction

What is more concerning is the way in which the RBI is opening the floodgates to liquidity. In a highly unusual step, Das has snapped up$10 billion in two auctions over a month, buying the US currency for reserves and agreeing to reverse the trade in 2022. When the RBI buys dollars from banks, it gives them rupees. The additional liquidity should, in theory, make banks more confident to lend. However, lumpy dollar purchases by the central bank distort traders price expectations.

And just in case wheels of commerce require even more lubrication, the central bank has also agreed to take $3.6 billion worth of sovereign Indian government securities from banks next month and give them cash.

At one level, the central bank is simply being proactive. Shadow banks have to repay nearly $19 billion to India’s mutual funds between April and June, according to Credit Suisse Group AG, and domestic refinancing costs have been elevated since last Septembers sudden collapse of financier IL&FS Group. Shadow banks lend for everything from trucks and two-wheelers to homes. If their financing problems get worse, the ultimate borrower would feel the heat. And that is unacceptable to Dass political bosses during India’s five-week-long national election currently underway.

Still, the risks the Indian central bank is taking smack more of desperation than prudence and preparedness. Take, for instance, its bold leap into the market for dollars. Unlike Indian government bonds, whose prices it can influence, the RBI has no control over the greenback. While buying or selling little bits to manage day-to-day volatility in the rupees exchange rate is one thing,going headlong into the dollar market can have unintended consequences. Forward premiums in the onshore foreign-exchange market crashed when the RBI started its dollar-rupee swap, but are now spiking up. Large Indian borrowers appear to be locking in the cost of their future dollar requirements by cornering the RBI’s swap window.

If the rest of India Inc want dollars one year from now, they will have to pay an annualized 4.4 per cent —1 percentage point more than when the RBI announced its first dollar-rupee swap in March. Nobody knows what will happen if the RBI keeps pressing ahead with this unusual liquidity tool, which seems to be causing more of a dollar glut in the country than anything else. A permanent increase in hedging costs for Indian borrowers would be the opposite of what the RBI may have intended.

As for the central banks bond-buying, its managing to keep a lid on the governments borrowing costs in the debt market -- but only just. Given the extra money that is going to be needed to pay energy subsidies if global oil prices turn decisively higher, not to mention fulfil all the expensive poll promises being made by candidates now, even more rate cuts and bond purchases by the central bank may not prevent a hardening of the 10-year Indian government bond yield to more than 7.5 per cent.

In trying to hold down both the risk-free rate and the premium that riskier borrowers have to pay, the RBI is effectively dispensing a very large dollop of stimulus. If the economy was doing as well as the government would like voters to think, this kind of simultaneous fiscal and monetary easing would hardly be necessary.

The governments logic is circular, as pointed out by Raghuram Rajan, a former RBI governor shaping up as a critic of the Modi administration: “How can we be growing at 7 per cent and not have jobs? he asked. Well, one possibility is that we are not growing at 7 per cent” One is inclined to agree. The way Rajans former institution is leaping to douse flames, there must be a fire somewhere.

(The author, Andy Mukherjee, is a Bloomberg Opinion columnist)

Published on April 25, 2019 10:03