India's unemployment rate rose to 7.83 per cent in April from 7.60 per cent in March, according to data from the Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE).

The urban unemployment rate rose to 9.22 per cent in April from 8.28 per cent in March, while the rural unemployment rate dropped to 7.18 per cent from 7.29 per cent, the data showed. The highest unemployment rate of 34.5 per cent was recorded in Haryana, followed by 28.8 per cent in Rajasthan.

Slow economic recovery

Economists say job opportunities have been hit by sluggish domestic demand and the slow pace of economic recovery amid rising prices, a Reuters report said.

The data from the Mumbai-based CMIE also viewed the falling labour participation rate - the proportion of people in employment or seeking work among the working population. It dropped to 39.5 per cent in March 2022 from the previous year’s 43.7 per cent, according to CMIE’s earlier data.