The newly-appointed German Ambassador to India, Mr Michael Steiner, has said his country was looking forward to India and the European Union finalising the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) by the end of the year.

“I am very much looking forward to what the Commerce Minister, Mr Anand Sharma, has envisaged with his colleague in the Commission — that is, to finalise the EU-India FTA by the end of the year. That will give a long-term perspective and direction to EU-India co-operation,” he said. The Ambassador was addressing a press conference here on Saturday, a day after presenting his credentials to the President.

Largest trade partner

The Envoy said that the EU was India’s largest trading partner and Germany was the biggest trading partner of India in Europe. “Political leaders on the two sides have set a trade volume of €20 billion by the end of the year. Despite the difficulties, the target will be achieved,” he said. Stating that India-Germany relations were a perfect match for all weathers, the envoy said the only criticism he had was that the achievements did not match up to the potential that existed between the two countries.

“We have regular Government consultations, close cultural, scientific and technological ties and soon €20 billion in trade volume, but against Indian-German potential it is relatively meagre. We can do much more,” he added.
