India Inc and the Government should become partners in growth and development of rural poor, the Union Minister of State for Human Resource Development, Ram Shankar Katheria, said on Saturday.

“The industry together with active support of the Government should show the path of growth and development to lakhs of unemployed graduates, including those who have pursued various professional courses like M.Tech, M.Sc and others,” he said at the ‘National Education Summit’ organised by Assocham here.

On the steps taken by the Government in first 10 months of its formation, Katheria said, “Governance system established under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the past 10 months has not only restored but also boosted public confidence in Indian democracy which had been eroding during the previous Government’s regime.”

He added that the Government is trying to improve the lives of people by shoring up the education scenario and promoting skill development initiatives in rural and backward areas.