Iran detained India’s largest ocean liner Shipping Corporation’s vessel carrying crude oil from Iraq on Tuesday, following which the Government is engaged in hectic diplomatic parleys with the Iranians to secure release of the tanker.

The tanker, MT Desh Shanti, was detained while carrying oil in the Persian Gulf, after which India, through its mission in Tehran, is engaged in hectic negotiations for the past two days, officials said.

MT Desh Shanti was detained in the international waters in the Persian Gulf by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), an SCI official told PTI.

The official said the tanker, which was carrying crude oil from Iraq, was not seized and just detained by the IRGC for some inspections amid environmental concerns.

The reason was not bought by the Indian officials here because the ship, that was detained in international waters, was taken into Iranian waters.

Iranians have agreed to release the vessel only after securing some undertakings from the captain of the ship, officials said.

The Shipping Ministry was looking into the issue, a senior ministry official said.

The development assumes significance as it comes at a time when India has taken steps to reduce its crude imports from Iran.

The country has cut oil imports from Iran, after sanctions imposed by the US and the EU.

India’s crude oil imports from Iran plunged by more than 26.5 per cent in the 2012-13 financial year (April—March) as US and European sanctions on Tehran combined to make it difficult for Indian refiners to ship Iranian oil.

Imports of Iranian crude fell to 13.3 million mt, or close to 267,100 b/d, in 2012—13 from 18.1 million mt, or around 362,500 b/d, in 2011-12.