The Jan Satyagraha of around 50,000 landless people from 26 States, marching towards Delhi, may soon end as Minister of Rural Development Jairam Ramesh hinted at some breakthrough after a second meeting with a delegation of Ekta Parishad activists on Tuesday.

The first round of talks with the activists, led by Sharad Chandra Behar, a day before the march began on October 3 from Gwalior, had hit a wall on the issue of land being a State subject. However, Ramesh had promised the Government’s assistance in the process of land reforms.

Without divulging details, on Tuesday, Ramesh said he would meet the Satyagrahis in Agra on October 11 and hoped to be able to sign an accord, thereby ending the Satyagraha.

He said Prime Minister Manmohan Singh had also asked the Ministry to look into the issues raised by the Parishad, led by P.V Rajagopal, and play a constructive role in resolving them.

An optimistic Behar said they were satisfied with the talks and expected a lot of changes in the situation. He hoped there would be a positive declaration at Agra. Both Ramesh and Behar said, “We will meet with love in the city of love (Agra).”

Among the issues raised by the Ekta Parishad, a national land reform policy, ensuring cultivable land for landless people and right to shelter for the homeless, are key concerns.