In the backdrop of the violence at the Maruti plant in Manesar, Japan has asked the Haryana government to send a “strong message” to restore investor confidence in the State, especially among the Japanese investors.

Japanese Ambassador to India Akitaka Saiki who met Haryana Chief Minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda here yesterday conveyed this while welcoming the reassurance of the state government to restore industrial harmony in the state.

“The Chief Minister gave reassurance that the state will strive to meet the expectation of the Japanese community, to ensure its well-being and security,” a statement issued by the Japanese Embassy here said.

In a letter to the Ambassador following the violence, the Haryana Chief Minister had reiterated the State’s commitment to the safety and security of investors in general, and the Japanese in particular.

Hooda assured Saiki that the safety of the Japanese community would be ensured as it was the state’s responsibility, and that the state government had taken many effective measures in this regard.

Hooda said a Special Investigation Team has been constituted after the violence at the Maruti plant and investigation was progressing well as a substantial number of suspects have been arrested.