Job market is set to get a boost in the next quarter - the three-month period between January and March of 2012 - led by increased hiring in sectors like infrastructure and information technology, says a survey.

As per the survey of prospective employers conducted by recruitment tendering platform, the country’s net employment outlook - an indicator of hiring intentions - stands at 29 per cent for the quarter ending March 31, 2012.

This marks an improvement by 9 percentage points from the year—ago quarter and an increase of 11 percentage points on the quarter-on-quarter basis.

“Job seekers will be going to get more opportunities as our data shows the India’s employment markets will experience recovery in the fourth quarter. The good news is that many markets appear to be heading in the right direction,” said Mr Rajesh Kumar, CEO,

The survey, which was conducted over 4,000 employers, found that all nine sectors and all four regions of the country have positive hiring plans for the next quarter.

The report said the infrastructure sector has the most bullish hiring plans, with a net employment outlook of an impressive 20 per cent for the January—March period of 2011.

“... After a long wait-and-watch, now IT/ITeS industry is having very aggressive plan to hire new employees, compared to what they had hired in previous 3-4 months,” Mr Kumar added.

The infrastructure and IT sectors are followed by the automobile, manufacturing and FMCG segments, in terms of hiring optimism for the January—March 2012 quarter.

At the same time, the hiring activities may witness a decline in the banking and financial services, and telecom sectors from the levels in the year—ago quarter.