Sacked CWG Organising Committee chief Mr Suresh Kalmadi, arrested on charges of cheating, conspiracy and corruption in connection with awarding some Games contracts, was today remanded in CBI custody for eight days by a Delhi Court for custodial interrogation.

The other two arrested officials Mr Surjeet Lal, Deputy Director General (Procurement), and Mr A.S.V. Prasad, Joint Director General (Sport), were also remanded in CBI custody till May 4 by the Special CBI Judge, Mr Talwant Singh.

The CBI had on Monday arrested Mr Kalmadi, Mr Lal and Mr Prasad for allegedly awarding illegal contracts to a Swiss firm for Timing-Scoring-Result (TSR) system for the Games causing a loss of Rs 95 crore to the exchequer.

The agency had sought 14 days' custody of 66-year-old Mr Kalmadi and his associates contending that they have to be interrogated to unearth the money trail in the scam.

However, the Judge granted eight days to the CBI to question Mr Kalmadi and the two other accused.

The agency had submitted that Mr Kalmadi and his associates were not cooperating with the investigators and have been “evasive” in responding to the questions.

“The behaviour of the accused so far has remained evasive and non-cooperative and they are not revealing the true facts and circumstances of the criminal conspiracy leading to the award of Timing-Scoring-Result (TSR) system contract to Swiss Timing in a wrongful manner,” the CBI alleged.