State-run CIL (Coal India) has said it will be liable to provide short-term coal linkages to power plants with an aggregate capacity of only 3,000 MW instead of 11,460 MW.

“It is estimated that the liability of CIL would be for about 14 million tonnes maximum in 2014-15 for accommodating tapering linkage cases, which is effectively equivalent to about 3,000 MW,” Coal India said in a letter to the Coal Ministry.

The Coal Ministry has also earlier informed an inter-ministerial panel that it cannot provide short-term fuel linkages to some power plants as they come under the 44 captive blocks allotted but not developed due to different reasons.

The Ministry is of the view that there is no provision to provide short-term linkage in lieu of non-development of coal blocks.

The short-term linkages (tapering linkages) are for those power plants which are scheduled to be commissioned by March 31, 2015.

The Ministry has mentioned that “44 (captive coal blocks allocated to power utilities) are awaiting environment and forestry clearance... The cases of tapering linkages are coming within these 44 coal blocks,” a Government official had said.

The official had also said that “allocation letter does not provide for giving an alternate coal block in such a scenario as as well linkage in lieu of non-development of coal blocks“.

An inter-ministerial committee was formed to look into fuel issues of power plants that are stranded due to unavailability of coal.

The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs had taken a decision that the committee should look into coal supply issues and see what can be done, Coal Secretary S K Srivastava had said earlier.

The committee under the chairmanship of Srivastava has members from ministries, including Power, Steel, Railways and Law.