Pilots' action has affected 11 flights of Air India on Friday. These include 8 flights from Mumbai and 3 from Delhi.

Sources claim that AI 401 which was to depart at 7 a,m, left at 1040 due to crew shortage while AI 308 left an hour late at 14.15 instead of 13.15. Similarly, AI 403, 020 and 115 left at 10.19 a.m. instead of 5.25 a.m

Pilots are irked over a notification issued by the company. The notification removed a pilot from the definition of workman. This is being interpreted as debarring pilot from taking part in any industrial agitation.

PTI reports : The development comes a day after the government announced the appointment of a new chairman and managing director at the helm of the loss-making national carrier.

The Civil Aviation Ministry had earlier asked the Labour Ministry to remove pilots and engineers from the workmen category to prevent them from going on strike.

In the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, a non-workman is defined as an employee who is mainly in managerial or administrative capacity, or who draws wages exceeding Rs 10,000 per month.