Four Kingfisher Airlines flights from Mumbai were cancelled on Monday due to a strike by pilots, airports sources said.

The flights were scheduled for Chennai, Mangalore and Jabalpur.

Around 200 Kingfisher pilots are on strike to press for payment of salaries, which have been due from February.

An airline spokesperson, however, said only one flight (Mumbai-Chennai) was cancelled due to maintenance issues and the other three flights were not part of the truncated schedule of the airline.

“The flight was cancelled due to maintenance issues and not because of any strike,” a KFA spokesperson said.

A section of KFA pilots held a meeting with the airline management over non-payment of salaries on Monday. The pilots said they will demand immediate payment of two months’ salary.

However, sources said that talks between the employees and KFA management failed.

The cash-strapped airline has not paid its dues to oil companies and airports and defaulted on payment of service tax and TDS to the government.
